Health check program

Day and time of service.

The health check-up clinic is open only in the morning from 8:00 a.m.
(Please contact before 10:00 a.m. onwards)

Advice on how to behave before coming for a health check.

- No food for 12 hours, drink only water.
- For women who want to check for internal and cervical cancer, do the following:
- Abstain from having sex before the test day.
- Refrain from douching the vagina. And refrain from using intravaginal medicine for at least 3 days before coming for examination.
- Must not be menstruating on the day of the examination.
- Please contact to request a health examination appointment in advance at telephone number 0 3845 5456 ext. 101, 103 from 1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.

Health Check up Program

List Man Woman
Physical examination by a medical expert PE
Weight, blood pressure measurement, body mass index measurement BW , BP , BMI
Laboratory Test
Blood sugar level test FBS
Check for accumulated sugar in the blood. HbA1C
Check blood fat levels Triglyceride
Check blood fat levels Cholesterol
Check blood fat levels HDL
Check blood fat levels LDL
Complete blood count CBC
To look at inflammation of the urinary tract. UA
To find out the risk of gout Uric Acid
Kidney function Bun , Cr , eGFR
liver function AST (SGOT)
liver function ALT (SGPT)
liver function ALP
Check for hepatitis B virus HBsAg
Test for immunity to the B virus HBsAb
Test for immunity to the C virus Anti-HCV
Chest X-Ray CXR
Check heart rate EKG
Total expenses
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(**Note All rights reserved for those who reserve in advance only.)
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Cancer Screening

List Price (Bath) Man Woman
Prostate cancer screening

PSA 300.-
Ultrasound Prostate 650.-
Lung cancer screening

Low Dose CT Scan 5,000.-
liver and bile duct cancer screening

AFP 250.-
Ultrasound Upper Abdomen 800.-
Anti-HCV 300.-
Anti-Hbs หรือ HBsAb 150.-
HBsAg 130.-
Colon Cancer Screening

Stool Occult blood (FIR Test) 80.-
CEA 280.-
Gastroscopy + Check for H.pylori **This price does not include the cost of biopsy. 1,700.-
Colonoscopy **This price does not include the cost of biopsy. 4,000.-
Thyroid Cancer Screening
TSH + FT4 320.-
Ultrasound Thyroid 800.-
Breast Cancer Screening

Mammography + Ultrasound Breast 2,400.-
CA15-3 400.-
Cervic Cancer Screening

Co-testing (LBC + HPV) 1,100.-
Ovary Cancer Screening

CA125 550.-
HE4 + CA125(ROMA) 2,550.-
Ultrasound Vagina 850.-
HIV 120.-
Syphilis 100.-
Bone Density 3,000.-
** Note This price does not include medical and nursing services.



038-455456 ext.101

Walk in

* See a doctor before considering sending for testing for ages 50-60 years and up.

** Thin prep pap smear is recommended for ages 30-60 years and up.

***Recommended for testing in women aged 30-60 years and up if the test results do not detect the HV virus. and normal cervical cell examination results are at risk of Cervical cancer is very rare.

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